9th Biennial International Colloquium on the Chadic Languages
Villejuif, September 7-8, 2017


Preliminary programme

The preliminary programme of the conference is available here.

Call for papers

We are pleased to invite you to our 9th BICCL, which will take place in France in 2017. This colloquium will be devoted to all aspects of Chadic languages and linguistics, in particular:

  • Descriptive linguistics of individual Chadic languages
  • Comparative linguistics of Chadic languages
  • Typology of Chadic languages
  • Hausa linguistics
  • The position of Chadic within Afroasiatic
  • Chadic languages in contact with non-Chadic languages
  • Oral literature in Chadic languages.

Registrations should be addressed exclusively by e-mail to:
biccl_2017@orange.fr ; Subject : BICCL 2017

The following information is required for registration:

  • Name and address (preferably e-mail AND snail mail)
  • Professional affiliation
  • Title of paper and abstract (1 page)

Deadline for submitting title and abstract: May 31, 2017.

The purpose of this early announcement is to allow you to search for funding, for LLACAN will not be able to provide any financial support for the participants.

Further details will be found in a second circular.

Feel free to share this information with interested colleagues and students.

With best regards
Henry Tourneux (for the Permanent Committee)

Scientific Committee

The “Permanent Committee of the International Colloquium on the Chadic Languages” is presently represented by:

  • Dymitr Ibriszimow (Lehrstuhl Afrikanistik II, Bayreuth U.),
  • Henry Tourneux (LLACAN – CNRS / INALCO – Villejuif and IRAD Maroua, Cameroon),
  • Ekkehard Wolff (Professor & Chair emeritus African Linguistics, Leipzig U., Institut für Afrikanistik).

Local organizing committee
  • Henry Tourneux
  • Yvonne Treis
  • Jeanne Zerner